Let's keep your children top of mind as you separate.
For most parents, when they decide to separate, the well-being of their children is one of their top priorities. After all, the implications of a divorce or separation don't only impact you, but also your children.
Working with a divorce coach can help you handle your emotions better, move through divorce with clarity and focus on what is within your control to create a healthy and happy life for them post-divorce.
What challenges can we talk through together?
Understanding the process of divorce or paternity in the State of Florida
Learning about lower conflict options to resolve divorce or paternity issues
Talking through what matters to you in parenting so that you ensure your Parenting Plan will represent your values (see our Parenting Plan page for more on this)
Re-discovering your identity outside of "spouse" and "parent"
Going from "spouse" to "co-parent"
Picking your battles for the "greater good"
Communicating with your ex in a healthy and productive manner
Connecting you with professionals who can support you (lawyers, therapists, financial specialists)
Learning to let go of what you can't control
Telling your kids about the divorce
Starting to think through the logistics of splitting up your assets
Brainstorming about where you might live or where the kids may go to school
Coping with changes in your parental responsibilities
Thinking through possible timesharing plans, major financial considerations or career changes
Dating after divorce (and introducing the kids)