Are you getting divorced later in life?
Getting divorced later in life presents an entirely different set of fears and concerns than getting divorced during earlier years.
As divorce coaches, we can help you gain clarity, self-confidence and courage as you enter this next chapter. This does not have to be "the end". It can be a beautiful new beginning - an awakening to what life can offer. An invitation to live authentically.
What topics can we help with relating to
late life (gray) divorce?
Rediscovering your individuality after a long-term marriage
Redefining your values and goals in this new chapter
Creating a code of conduct for how you and your ex are going to handle holidays and other events for your adult children, keeping them out of the middle
Restructuring your relationships with family who feels like they have to choose a side
Thinking about much your adult children should be told about the divorce
Protecting your retirement assets and ensuring you have financial security after the divorce
Talking through other financial considerations like alimony and healthcare
Re-entering the workforce or shifting career focus
Dating again, possibly for the first time in decades
Moving forward after betrayal or being blindsided
Gaining clarity regarding your passions, interests and desires for your post-divorce life