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You have decided to separate or get divorced. Now what?

If you are trying to end your relationship without unnecessary costs, legal battles or trauma for your kids, then you are in the right place.

Separating when you have children together is a difficult and overwhelming process. How do we tell the kids? Who moves out? How do we decide the schedule? Do we hire lawyers? Do we have to go to court or are there other options?


These are just some of the questions that parents are facing when they share children but no longer wish to be in a relationship.


I can help you work together to make a plan for separation and how you want to tackle the legal issues that have to be addressed, like time-sharing, child support or division of assets.

You don't have to figure this out alone.
That's what I'm here for.

I help parents understand their options, make a plan and come to agreements that work for everyone.


Why am I the right person to help you through this process?

"Aside from just my professional qualifications, on a personal level, I have helped raise my stepsons in a 50/50 custody environment from when they were in Pre-K all the way through to High School. I also have two young biological children, one of whom is neurodivergent, so I understand the unique needs of infants, toddlers and children who don't "fit the typical mold" so to speak. Quite literally, I have parented and step-parented children in every season of their minor lives. I am confident that I can help you create a plan for separation and a long-term parenting plan that puts your children first and helps prevent conflict for everyone.


As a stepmom, my life has been dictated by a parenting plan for almost a decade. We have had many different 50/50 timesharing arrangements over the years and learned which details need to be clarified to prevent conflict between co-parents. 

I believe strongly that if expectations and details are discussed and spelled out early on, much of the later conflict between co-parents can be avoided. I also believe that, with the right professionals involved, most parents have the capacity to resolve their differences rationally and respectfully.


It is my passion and privilege to guide parents through the re-structuring of their family so they can have the most collaborative and peaceful post-separation dynamic possible for their children."

- Tina Keyes, CDC®, TICC

Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator

Certified Co-Parenting Specialist

If you are ready to see if this is right for you...

So, what is a Parenting Plan anyways?

In the State of Florida, a parenting plan is required as part of a divorce with minor children and will cover some of the following issues and more...

  • What timesharing arrangements make the most sense for your situation?

  • How will holidays and birthdays be shared?

  • How will communication will be handled between co-parents? Between each parent and the child(ren)?

  • Who will be responsible for decision-making relating to the children?

  • How will extracurriculars be decided on and who pays for what?

  • What are the rules around changing the schedule, hiring babysitters?

  • Is each parent allowed to travel with the children? If so, where? What are the rules? Who has to agree to it and how much information must be shared about the trip?

  • How do we meet the needs of our special needs, disabled or neurodivergent children?

  • Do we want shared rules for discipline, technology, chores, etc?

  • Will we review the parenting plan regularly to see if it is still working for our kids?

  • How will school zoning work?

  • and the list goes on...

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